Microbiological Comparison of Royal Jelly and Chlorhexidine 0.2 percent


  • Aida Meto Msc.DM, University of Medicine, Faculty of Sciences of Dentistry, Department of Therapy, Section of Endodontics, Tirana Author
  • Agron Meto Author
  • Edit Xhajanka Author
  • Mutlu Özcan Author
  • Emiljano Tragaj Author




chlorhexidine, diffusion, inhibition, royal jelly.


The aim of this paper is to evaluate the antibacterial property of royal jelly and chlorhexidine 0.2 percent. As a methodology, in our study, we used piastres in blood agar, where the holes in the agar field were made through a glass pipette, sterile "Paster", in a diameter of 7 mm. Used a bacterial culture of Streptococcus gr. D (Enterococcus faecalis) in a concentration of 105, which was distributed in sterile condition, using a sterile tampon, according to the method of diffusion in agar. As a result, we used a ruler for the measurement of inhibition areas: -in the royal jelly’s hole, the radius of inhibition resulted 14 mm, -in the chlorhexidine’s hole, the radius of inhibition resulted 20 mm. Based on the results obtained from our study, presented facts to use the royal jelly and chlorhexidine 0.2 percent in the dental practice. As a conclusion, we can say that the royal jelly contains important elements with antibacterial action compared to the chlorhexidine one.


