Social Media use and its Relationship with Collaborative Learning and Students’ Motivation in Abu Dhabi Schools United Arab Emirates
social media usage, collaborative learning, motivation, measurement model, structural modelAbstract
In the current years, social media and its various platforms are providing range of facilities to different community members including the students. However, the significance of social media usage towards the learning of the students can not be ignored. The purpose of present study is to examine the trends in collaborative learning of the students through social media usage. For addressing this objective, literature support has been provided in a reasonable manner. Furthermore, questionnaire was developed through various items from existing literature for both social media usage and collaborative learning as measured through Five points likert scale. Meanwhile, data has been collected with the help of different techniques. A valid sample response of 403 respondents from different grades ranging from 9th to 12th has been collected from different schools as situated in Abu Dhabi, UAE. After data collection, demographic analyses through cross-tabulation have been presented in an appropriate manner. More specifically, both measurement model and structural model were also accessed to confirm the reliability and validity and relationship between the variables. It is found that measurement model for the relationship between social media usage and collaborative learning is quite fine. Finally, the results through structural model confirm that there is a significant and positive impact of social media usage on collaborative learning of the targeted students. The study findings have provided some meaningful discussion for various policymakers specifically in the education sector. Finally, there are some limitations through which future directions are also determined.
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