Service Related Competences: Education Practices in the Republic of North Macedonia


  • Diturije Ismaili PhD, University Mother Teresa in Skopje, North Macedonia Author
  • Elisabeta Bajrami Ollogu PhD, University Mother Teresa in Skopje, North Macedonia Author
  • Mirjana Borota Popovska PhD, University Mother Teresa in Skopje, North Macedonia Author
  • Marija Topuzovska Latkovik PhD, University Mother Teresa in Skopje, North Macedonia Author


Service, Competences, Education, Validation, Entrepreneurship, North Macedonia


This paper presents research on service related competences in Republic of North Macedonia. This research was conducted as part of Erasmus+ CBHE project entitled” Enhancing and validating service related competences in versatile learning environments in Western Balkan universities (e-Viva)”. Innovations and development of new technologies including automation of manufacturing processes cause paradigm shift in business models in manufacturing sector while service sector emerges as potential for economic growth by absorbing more labour and offering diverse services. Thus, development of service related competences is an important issue for overall development of service sector. Assessment of service related competences in South East Europe aimed at the identification, analysis and description of current education programmes and practices relating to service orientation with focus on the interface between formal and informal learning in the higher education sector and possible connections to validation practices in relation to EQF, NQFs and the related instruments (ECTS, ECVET and EUROPASS).

Method: Results of desk research, online questionnaire results and results of interviews with stakeholders (one-to-one or focus group) as well as interpretation of needs analysis in North Macedonia are elaborated and presented in this paper.

The results of this project and research show that significant attention is devoted to development of competences in service sector in North Macedonia. The findings indicate that respondents/parties are aware about the positive aspects of the “Service Related Competences”, especially regarding the professional, career development, and employment prospects. There is a need of online courses where basic theoretical concepts should be presented, and then, in combination with practical learning, the same should be exercised and learned how to be used in practice.


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