Editorial Genetic Rites and Authorship in Journals


  • Letícia Clares Author




authorship; discourse analysis; publishing mediation; scientific communication; scientific writing


The research we will present aims to further develop a discussion started in the master’s degree research entitled Publishing mediation in scientific communication: a study of two human sciences journals, focusing on a fundamental issue of the current times: the constitution of authorship in scientific communication. In order to investigate that issue, we aim to examine the defining conditions of authorship in the production of scientific papers in different areas of knowledge. Therefore, the corpus is composed by four important journals nationwide, Geousp: espaço e tempo, from the Postgraduate Program in Geography of the FFLCH-USP, Cerâmica Industrial, from the Brazilian Ceramic Association, Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, from the Occupational Therapy Department of UFSCar, and Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (Rieb), from the Brazilian Studies Institute of USP. Having the French discourse analysis as theoretical framework, we take into account the relationship between the author and other co-enunciators in the editorial genetic rites (Salgado, 2011), also considering the place of the author as a creative paratopy (Maingueneau, 2014). At the event, we will discuss more precisely the current stage of the research, focusing on the methodology of data collection, in which we used interviews with different professionals involved in the publishing of the mentioned journals.


