Techniques and Strategies of Communication and Cooperation with Colleagues Inside and Outside the School
teacher collaboration, teacher performance, director’s role, communication, students’ performanceAbstract
The communication and cooperation with colleagues, has been seen that it affects the performance of teachers at school, their desire for work and the love and quality with which they conduct lessons, as well in creating a positive school climate although it is not talked too much and is not addressed in the various reports. This paper aims to develop and understand different forms of communication with colleagues in educational institutions, in order to increase and improve cooperation between them. The paper also aims to bring techniques and strategies that will increase the communication and cooperation skills between teachers, based on the review of a wide literature, its evaluation by bringing contemporary studies as well as different viewpoints regarding the relationship between the pedagogical staff in the school and outside of it. The cooperation helps the realization of the Individual Education Plan, but also the planning of educational work at school. This cooperation aligns work objectives to develop the student's potential and to improve student’s results. A bad and non-cooperative relationship with colleagues and managers affects quality reduction. In most of their work, teachers are seen not only as transmitters of knowledge, but also as behavior models and educators of a new generation. It is thought that cooperation has an impact on the teacher's performance, but also on the students' performance and results. The article combines the researcher's point of view, and gives some recommendations as well-planned implementation to successfully influence the collaborative process and progress, teaching staff must function as a team and abandon traditional norms of isolation and individualism. The investment in time to do this kind of practical and applied work should be accompanied by redesigned guidelines that are more coherent and structurally sound.
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